Sales Intelligence CRM

Imagine analytical CRM that has been scaled down. Instead of huge batches of data that are used to influence organizational decisions, sales intelligence uses smaller batches of data. These carefully curated sets of information can be used by individual sales people along with robust tools. The purpose is to specifically identify the trends that impact their efforts to reach their unique target audience.

This information empowers your salespeople to create individualized sales strategies to help them optimize their performance.

With this information, your sales professionals will be able to:

The core of sales intelligence CRM is company owned information. This includes customer data, product information, sales history, and customer service records. This information is then massaged, cleaned, and distributed so that every salesperson receives a slice of data that is relevant to them.

Next, owned data is just the beginning. Because there is so much data out there, a sales intelligence CRM will be able to access terabytes of available data on customers, products, and customer behaviors. This information, combined with owned data will give sales professional the insights they need.